Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Update...

Over the weekend Janet started having back labor. It would sneak up on her late in the afternoon and last for a few hours each episode. The pain came in 10 minutes waves but diminished by the end of the night. She is having a few other symptoms that suggest Daelyn may be coming soon. It was a big weekend at Elevation so I laid hands on that baby and asked God to let us get through Sunday. He honored the prayer so I think we're ready. If she doesn't arrive before the weekend I may be praying the same thing all over again....

1 comment:

Adam said...


Aimee and I are praying for you guys as your little one is coming soon. We really enjoyed this past weekend and I am glad we could help share our testimony to help others. It rocked!!! We will see you soon. Thanks for everything!

The Freemans :)