Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The voice...

Do you have a favorite movie voice, maybe its James Earl Jones playing Darth Vader in "Star Wars" or Marlon Brando playing the Godfather. There’s just something about a recognizable voice that communicates more than just information, it communicates an attitude. It communicates a particular brand of thinking, a unique culture that encapsulates the character and the people that surround him.
When the Godfather speaks everyone listens. His voice also empowers his guys to speak with authority wherever they go because they realize they are speaking on his behalf. There’s power when any organization has a singular voice that defines it. That voice is unique to the organization and defines its culture.
Elevation Church is one of those organizations that has a unique culture, one that can be described but only until you experience it can it be appreciated. One of the keys to the success of our ministry through our short history is the tremendous unity we have maintained. I’m talking about actively embracing the culture and speaking the voice of the church, believing in the vision so strongly that it causes you to speak the voice of the church. My role as a staff member is is to make sure that voice permeates through the entire Church. To help leaders learn the voice Elevation, embrace its uniqueness and help them learn how to communicate it.
My job isn't to try to figure out what to say, my role is to listen to Pastor Steven and speak that voice to the rest of the organization. When we’re all saying the same things with the same passion there’s a tremendous synergy and unity.

What’s the voice of your organization?

If you are the Lead Pastor, what are you speaking? Are you surrounding yourself with people who have their own agenda or are they people who truly believe in the vision that God has put in your heart. If you’re on staff, are you using your own voice or are you pressing into your leader and learning his voice. Evaluate your current setting and ask the question “what is the voice of this organization”.
At Elevation Church there’s only one voice and as long as we remain unified around that voice we will walk in unity with a laser focused vision on “seeing people far from God filled with life in Christ.

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