Monday, August 18, 2008

The Power of a Story....

Everyone has a story. Some make for a better lifetime movie than other's but everyone has one. This past Sunday we had one of the most powerful illustrations of God's grace that I have ever seen. We used "cardboard testimonies" to tell of God's mercy. One by one we walked story after story out on to the stage. Each story had a before side and an after side on their piece of cardboard. Each person started with the "before" side of the card. It described in a few words or a short sentence who they used to be. Then they flipped the card to the "after", the part that describes who they now are in Christ. Here are a few of the cardboard testimonies from Sunday:

  • Broken Marriage, Broken Heart - Restored Bride of Christ
  • I was ashamed of the Gospel - Now a missionary to my college campus
  • Tried to kill myself with a gun - Redeemed and made new in Christ
  • My brother died 2 months ago - I'll see him in heaven because I was saved at his funeral

There wasn't a dry eye in the house as we were moved by the stories of God's grace, compassion and restoration. Each of you have a story. What would be on the front and back of your "cardboard"? I'd love to see a few people leave a comment with what their board would say.

My cardboard would say:

  • Alcoholic, bitter, angry at the world - Filled with Joy and encouraging others


Anonymous said...

Thanks Larry for letting Chris and I participate in the testimonies yesterday. It was an awesome experience and I hope we can volunteer in the future with these type of things. We are praying for God to do great things in the next few weeks and beyond....I know he will! Have a great week and I hope everything goes well with the BABY!
God Bless, Karen Luke

Anonymous said...

Looking for a one-night stand, now I STAND for Christ!